讲座题目:Middlemen and Reverse Factoring (中间商与反向保理)
主讲人:胡博 复旦大学经济学院 助理教授
This paper introduces a novel framework for examining reverse factoring, a prominent type of supply chain finance. The model features a middleman who acts as a reseller for suppliers and offers them reverse factoring contracts. This enables the middleman to pool suppliers' liquidity by deferring payment to them, while providing immediate payment to those with pressing liquidity needs. The middleman optimizes its profits by drawing liquidity from suppliers with high liquidity and low productivity, and gaining profits from suppliers with low liquidity and high productivity. We show that the market cost of liquidity, represented by the nominal interest rate, has a limited impact on reverse factoring, and identify conditions under which the middleman can operate without its own liquidity.
胡博,现任复旦大学经济学院助理教授,博士毕业于阿姆斯特丹自由大学和丁伯根研究所。研究方向为应用微观理论,关注的研究问题包括搜寻经济学、平台经济等。其文章发表于Rand Journal of Economics,《经济研究》等国内外顶尖学术期刊。主持国家自然科学基金,上海市浦江人才计划等项目。胡博教授还担任International Economic Review, Journal of Health Economics等国际A类期刊的匿名审稿人。